How to cook a turkey (by pre-schoolers)

The congregation I serve operates a nursery school.  A November tradition is to ask the children questions about how to cook a turkey for the Thanksgiving meal.  The responses of the 4-year olds are here …

Take a 10,000 pound turkey and put some candy and a fluff sandwich inside with strawberry jelly on top.  Daddy will cook it in the oven at 10 degrees for 40 minutes.

Take a turkey (as wide as her arms), put rice and ham inside with some pepperoni on top.  Mommy will cook it in the oven really hot for 20 minutes.

Take a 10 pound turkey, put some salt and pepper inside with pepperoni and tomato sauce on top.  Mom will cook it in the oven at 6 degrees for 8 minutes.

It is worth continuing to read these, so click on!  Or, go to 2008’s listing here.

Take a 10 pound turkey, put some lemon and stuffing inside with lemon juice on top.  Dad will put it in the oven at very hot for 4 minutes.

Take a 30 pound turkey, put some fish and cheese inside with turkey and peppers on top.  Mommy will cook it in the oven at 50 degrees for 80 minutes.

Take a (hands over my head size) turkey and put some sugar and turkey inside with sprinkles on top.  Me and mommy will cook it in the stove at 6 degrees for 4 minutes.

Take a 90 pound turkey and put some salt, pepper, pepperoni and chicken nuggets inside with some salt on top.  Mommy, me, and daddy will cook it in the oven at about 30 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Take (an arms open wide size) turkey and put some sugar and meatloaf inside with some rice on top.  Mom will cook it in the microwave for 8 minutes.

Take a 30 pound turkey, put some sugar and bananas inside with sugar and cheese on top.  Mommy will cook in the oven 38 degrees for 40 minutes.

Take an 8 pound turkey and put fruit roll-ups and macaroni and cheese inside with watermelons on top.  Me, mom and dad will cook it on the stove for 3 minutes.

Take a 10,000 pound turkey and put some sugar, sausage and marshmallows inside with my mom’s special very good sauce on top.  Mommy will cook it with my uncle on the stove at just a little hot for 10 minutes.

Take (an arms open wide size) turkey and put some salt, lemons and grapes inside with salt on top.  Me and mommy will cook it on the stove at really hot for 6 minutes.

Take a 2 pound turkey and put some oranges, green beans, and pumpkin pie inside with a gingerbread house and a big old cherry on top.  Mommy will coook it in the oven at hot, hot, hot, hot, hot for4 minutes.

Take a 21 pound turkey and put salt, pepper, oranges, and berries inside with syrup on top.  I will cook it in the oven at 100 degrees for a long time.

Take a 100 pound turkey and put cookies and race car waffles inside with vanilla yougurt on top.  I will cook it with daddy’s help in the stove at 100 degrees for 13 hours.

Part 2 will have the responses from even younger children.

Pondering Pastor

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