Category Archives: Life

Tour de Revs

Some crazy friends of mine have some big ideas.  They intend to travel across the ELCA, visiting all 65 Synods, (including Alaska and Puerto Rico) to raise money for the Lutheran World Hunger Appeal.  And they are doing it on a bicycle built for 3 … made out of bamboo!

Their website is here.

Click and watch this video, please!

Pondering Pastor

The Lure of Clicks

While it might have looked like I was preoccupied with the Victoria Osteen Trial with all the posts and the daily watch of the trial, I’m really not. (I’d post links here, but as you will read, you will see why I don’t.)

Actually, I was lured into continuing coverage by something even more devious.

People were reading my blog.

My first post on the trial was made on the evening of August 6th.  That day, my page reads were 104.  That was on the high end of my average range.  In the month prior to August 6th, readership of my blog ranged from 22 – 130 per day, but usually 60-80.  August 6th was a nice day with views popping above the 100 mark again.

Then, something happened.  August 7th saw 1792 views, and I was hooked.  My previous best day was 313 a year ago.  At one point, my blog was the 4th fastest growing blog on WordPress, and I was the 36th most popular blog (based on views) for the day.  I saw the interest, and decided to continue.  I was rewarded.

  • August 8 – 781 views
  • August 9 – 1057 views
  • August 10 – 485 views
  • August 11 – 1005 views
  • August 12 – 1475 views
  • August 13 – 2733 views (and in the top 100 blogs & top 100 posts on WordPress)
  • August 14 – 2722 views
  • August 15 – 1477 views

The lure of so many clicks!

Writers want to be read.  I want to be read.  But at what price?

I’m done with the Osteens.  So much so, I’ll not even tag this post with their name.

Pondering Pastor

Victoria Osteen Trial – Verdict

Two and a half hours

  • equals the time it took the jury to decide that there was not enough evidence to support a charge of assault and injury.
  • equals the amount of time Ms. Osteen delayed the flight on which she caused a fuss over a small liquid spill which started this ball rolling.

Kind of fitting isn’t it?  If only the trial had lasted 2 1/2 hours!

The jury’s foreman, Gilles Labbe, said he and other jurors believed what happened on the plane was not an attack but a disagreement between a passenger and one or more flight attendants.  “This lawsuit in my opinion should not have been filed because nothing happened,” he said.

Joel Osteen had this to say:

“It’s a great vindication and shows us the faithfulness of God.”

I think it’s important to remember that indeed an incident took place.  I’ve read many comments of people who suggest that Ms. Osteen was completely innocent and justified for her behavior.  This jury concluded that she is innocent of the assault.  I believe she is guilty of making some pretty bad decisions and handling the aftermath of those decisions poorly.

We all make mistakes.  We all get ourselves pretty deep in situations where there doesn’t seem any way out.  Our ability to admit our mistakes and make some different decisions is called repentance.

The world was watching whether Ms. Osteen would display repentance or continue to behave badly.

We are still waiting.

Pondering Pastor